F.I.D.O. Project Adoption Event
The next class of F.I.D.O Project dogs for adoption will be here on March 19, from 10:30 am - 2:00 pm. These dogs have been trained to be Canine Good Citizens. Come out and have...
As many of you may know, we help support the FIDO project through Marion County Animal Services. This is a project near and dear to our hearts, that we started supporting when we were a little store in Look-A-Like Plaza.
MCAS takes dogs that may be otherwise hard to adopt, and they send them to the jail. Assign them to inmates. They bring in a trainer, which this time is from Ocala Dog Ranch, and they train them to be "good citizens".
This gives them the building blocks to good manners. Over the years we have watched many of the FIDO dogs through their forever moms and dads bringing them back to the store to visit.
We have one that comes in as a regular, and she is the happiest dog, full of wiggles and smiles cause she knows Stephen will be giving her the favorite treats of the day, and I believe Stephen looks forward to her just as much. Yes, Jane, we're talking about you, again!
They always need help in running the programs, and they have a Wish List if you'd like to donate. You can drop donations by our store, even if you do not purchase them there.
To check the progress of the dogs, visit this link, they will post updated pictures and information on the animals, and they take the BEST pictures!
The next class has begun, and the graduation is set for April of 2022, and the first meet and greet for the FIDO class will be here at Mr Mochas Pet Supplies, March 19, 2022 between 10:30 - 2:00 pm.
They get a lot of applications on them, so if you think you may be interested in one of these wonderful dogs, click this link to apply before the event.